Kuchipudi Training
Kuchipudi Dance Center offers lessons to students seeking training in Kuchipudi. Our classes cater differently to different levels of expertise and preferences of learners, thus giving students a range of options. Whether you’re a novice or an experienced dancer, our classes at Kuchipudi Dance Center aim to provide a structured path for continuous learning and artistic growth of every seeker.
Based on the individual skill level of each student at the beginning of the training, the student will be enrolled in one of ➤

Beginner Level
In the Beginner level, you will learn basics of this classical dance form, including its history and fundamental elements. We typically start with foundational classes that focus on basic postures, hand gestures, and footwork. Kuchipudi Dance Center’s Beginner level classes are classified as A1 and A2. While A1 covers first half of fundamental Kuchipudi steps (adavus), A2 covers the second half.

Intermediate Level
In the Intermediate level classes, we typically focus on refining the basic skills acquired from the beginner level, and work on exploring the next level steps that involve a combination of footwork and hand gestures. At this level, we also work on understanding the nuances of tala (rhythmic cycles), like in Jathis in Kuchipudi music. Kuchipudi Dance Center’s Intermediate level classes cover the Jathis and introductory items like ThandavaNritya Kare, Jathiswaram, Ramayana Sabdam, Koluvaithevaa Ranga Sayi.

Advanced Level
In the Advanced level, we design our training classes keeping in view the profound understanding of intricate footwork, flawless hand gestures (mudras), and nuanced facial expressions (abhinaya) that advanced level students come with. As we delve deeper into elaborate and challenging choreographies, we enable learners to hone their skills towards perfecting their techniques and attaining a higher level of mastery of the Kuchipudi art form. Kuchipudi Dance Center’s Advanced level classes are classified as L1, L2, L3 and L4. In L1 classes, students will be introduced to beginner level items like Ganesha Stuthi and Jathiswarams. While L2 classes cover mid-level items, L3 and L4 cover the most advanced level items.
Certification Programs