Finding Motivation and Moving Forward: A Guide to Reconnecting

Finding Motivation and Moving Forward: A Guide to Reconnecting

It’s Time!  Yes! Time to begin! Begin something new or something old. There are many things we stopped doing over the course of the last year. I think it is important to look at the things we no longer do as things we stopped doing but did not quit. Quitting means you would not ever start again. Now there may be some bad habits you stopped doing that you shouldn’t start up again. But that is something for you to figure out.  So let’s kinda review here. 

Some things you may have started to do could be TV show binging, more computer time, more laying around, more wondering, less hope, and likely toilet paper hoarding.   Each and every day of our life before and after the pandemic changes.  However, change happened more dramatically during the pandemic for better or for worse. 

Now that the pandemic seems to be lessening with vaccine rollout and loosening restrictions, we have created a significant number of ways to reconnect with others in more ways than one. 

I think it is important to look at the things we no longer do as things we stopped doing but did not quit. Quitting means you would not ever start again.

There are so many of us who have grown accustomed to living within the confines of our own homes.  There are so many who may not be as eager to go out and return to socializing as we did back then. While others may need a simple nudge from a friendly text or a quick call from a then “officemate” for a cup of coffee or a nice dinner date – but not sure when or how.  Through this time I have been by the side of so many who have gone through some really tough life challenges from loss of a loved one, loss of job, loss of value of being a person.  Finding a way to reconnect and put the zing back into your daily living is going to take some effort.   Interacting with others is to a person as to what water is to your plants.  We need interaction and human touch.  So start at a pace that makes sense for you.  Start with just a small one to one connection, grow it to more as you find comfortable.


Here are some great tips and ideas to can keep in mind when you think about “reconnecting” and moving forward:

1. Baby steps

I know that many of you are itching to get back out there and immediately socialize with friends/colleagues/family/long lost cousins three times removed. Woah, easy there cowboy! Take things slow, plan ahead, and most importantly… relax! Take a deep breath, unwind, clean your home, grab a phone and slowly ease back in. You don’t have to meet just yet, keep communication lines open, and once you have established a sense of comfort, then it may be time to plan your next move. Keep a notebook or a calendar in hand, you might need it 😉

2. A discount, you say?

It’s time to give back and help your local businesses survive! Search around your area for great friend deals or Groupon, it’s a quick and easy way to invite your friend for a quick shopping trip/ facial/ haircut/coffee. A fun activity while staying safe and #supportinglocal. 

3. Learn together!

Try something new! Remember, start small. Learn a skill and invite a friend! Check your local civic centers or art centers for hobby classes you and your friend can sign-up to. If you can’t find any available, learn online! Take a Skillshare/ Udemy course and invite your friends!

4. Share a Cause

Perhaps you will find it easier to bond over something meaningful. You could ask a friend to volunteer with you at your local food pantry or a similar worthy cause.

5. Be Kind

If you don’t know where to start, start with kindness in your heart and in your mind. If you follow me on social media, you know that my life advocacy and mission is to spread the awareness of kindness to others. As humans, we tend to overcomplicate the simplicity of our existence. Keep in mind that everyone is going through their own version of events. Each unique experience must be dealt with with empathy and kindness. Remember, no act of kindness is ever too small. Do your part, no matter how simple; a smile, a wave, even a simple hello will do. Start your week right and spread kindness wherever you may be.  During my periodical Live Facebook post, I like to end it with: “Be kind. Be Nice. Do an act of kindness that will make a difference in somebody’s life intentionally.”

With its ups and downs, trials and tribulations, and everything else in between, our resilience to the horrors of quarantine and isolation has strengthened us, and has given us hope for us to move on and move forward. 

As a Realtor, providing you reassurance and comfort all throughout your journey is important. I believe that despite the events, people still want to move forward, and we are here to help you shop, buy, and sell safely to unlock life’s next chapter.


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I think it is important to look at the things we no longer do as things we stopped doing but did not quit. Quitting means you would not ever start again.

Turning Houses Into Homes”
Cyndi Lesinski
Cyndi Lesinski and Associates
CAL DRE # 01343529
VIP Realty Group DRE# 02023078


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