Emotional Healing Counseling

Art Expression and Emotionality, Together, Mirror to Reflect Emotional Freedom.

The purpose of creative expression, is to recover those emotions which take part of contacting the totality of ones internal life. Creative expression does not remove pain. It mirrors back the authentic, emotional flow of internal energy onto a canvas throw imagery, assisting the inner creative space from our mind and the soul. It is a step towards emotional freedom and the path to cultivate emotional wisdom, where there is no right and no wrong. Emotional reflection onto canvas is often a revisitation of a memory. We don’t want to run from memory as we will run from ourselves. Our past is your knowledge. Stay aware of differences between an intention and an expectation; creative freedom is an intention, not an expectation.

“Reflection by Dr. Claire Vines, Psy.D.

Couples Counseling:

As adults creative art expression lets us externalize internal space to mirror self expression. A freedom which cultivate expression of one’s knowledge. Self expression is from the inside out rather then outside to within. The purpose of creative expression is to recover those emotions, which take part of contacting the totality of one’s internal energy.

Children who live with parents experiencing traumatic events, often take on parent symptoms. For that child, this can be a way of staying connected to that parent. Initial conjoint sessions with parents are encouraged. The child can learn to better communicate fears and concerns about the family readjustments.

During the child’s developmental years, the process of communication and understanding is primarily visual, sound, and scent. Self-expression is externalized with creativity such as drawing, painting, dancing and singing. This form of encouragement validates the young person making their emotional journey into adulthood more balanced. Creative emotional freedom expands the human inner world, giving the mind more space to make our experience more understandable, while sorting out the between what thought and feeling.

The Inner Child

s a young child the brain has only begun to work at developing cognitive structure. What happens to a child’s brain is, as it develops into adulthood the cognitive left brain is now being formed for functioning and for survival in the cultural communities societies. The inner child becomes dormant often negating our creative energies. However, although one has gotten through the pain of past memory, it is emotionally forgotten, but rather stored in our thought process and often blurring. Emotional intelligence can often grow from past trauma, but without emotional awareness the brain will not replace the bad with the good. The bad is replaced by anxiety, in ongoing overly charged protection mode, and/ or go through levels of depressive symptoms.

For this reason why adults must explore, reach out, not to replace the past, but to work at making peace making the present a better place; through the externalizing of creative energies. Peace within the inner-self will build on emotional Wisdom. You cannot replace or delete a memory as a computer would delete or replace or you would be replacing yourself or deleting how you learned.

There are soothing strategies to re-explore past and the inner-child when going back to creative Expression.

One way is by exploring with the less dominant hand in creative activity. Your less dominant hand. (if you are right handed, your less dominant hand is the left hand). This type of expressive exercise will open up the senses and let the create insights to flow from the right brain emotional hemisphere, guiding the inner-self forward. This excessive gives the cognitive left brain hemisphere, a break for the moment. Write every emotion you think off using that less dominant hand, then, re-write those words again with your other hand. This will balance out emotional energy and cognitive structure.

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