Missing Person And Runaways

How Is A Missing Person Or Runaway Defined?

A missing person is an adult or child who has disappeared voluntarily or involuntarily. If you are unable to find the person immediately, contact the police. Don’t wait, especially if the missing person is vulnerable – a child or older adult with a disability or mental impairment is sick or injured in frigid weather or if you suspect foul play. In such cases, notify the police as soon as you think something is wrong. Some jurisdictions have different time requirements before a report can be filed, but don’t let that make you hesitate if you suspect a problem.

Determining if a minor is a runaway can create a difficult position for the authorities, especially if both parents are estranged or divorced. The cause or causes of teen runaways can be many, and there can be significant disagreement between two estranged parents on those causes. But focusing on why is less critical immediately than aggressively beginning a search plan unless the reasons suggest a clue as to where the teen may have gone.

There are many other reasons why someone is missing. It can be a flight from a crime, physical or mental abuse, an emotional dispute, fear, or simply getting lost.

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