Lotus Travel Guides


Who what where why and when.

Who is the retreat for and how is this retreat specialized for the right person. Men, women, couples, Gladiators!

Gladiators will be based on which martial artist comes to train while we incorporate yoga into the most intense training possible to push you to transform.

What is it we are trying to achieve? One week of taking you out of your environment and bringing you back to a space of devotion to yourself after one week of practice. Transformation happens when you make the first move to change, and our retreats make a statement for change agents!

Where? And why is it important? We are taking our retreats around the world to plant seeds of transformation. The more we move and see our planet the more we understand how much we need to be a part of the healing and peace in this world. With making waves like yogaforthebeach.com to spread beach clean up around the world.

Why? Why are we doing this? The age of fear and keeping knowledge has passed. The Aquarian age is here and we are ready to step up and empower people to find themselves and overcoming there fears. This world has become so caught up in technology that we don’t give ourselves a chance to stop and relax. Having laser focus takes training of the mind to slow the world around you. Yoga and meditation are huge tools to standing strong and balanced in a shaky world.

When? We have best times to travel categorized in months so we can be available all year round in beautiful warm weather.

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