Is He Your Holiday Man

If you are a holiday gal it’s important to have a holiday guy…

A holiday man is a guy who enjoys the holidays as much as you do or who will fully support you in your holiday festivities and cheer.

Growing up, my dad was huge on holidays. For him, the meaning of holidays was the gathering of family and friends. Both Thanksgiving and Christmas included our entire family and close friends surrounding the dining room table. The table was set with fine china, silverware, beautiful plating, and candles—completely decorated with holiday decor.

My parents prepped and cooked the night before. My mom would make her delicious homemade sweet potato pies that all of our neighbors would count down the days to receive. My dad loved to make breakfast the morning of—homemade blueberry pancakes while playing Gladys Knight and the Pips “Midnight Train to Georgia.” And, we would even watch holiday movies as a family.

For Christmas, our house was also decorated. My dad would pick out the perfect fresh Christmas tree. Once he set it up in our living room he would string the lights and we would decorate. I loved decorating the tree. My parents would hang up our Christmas stockings over our fireplace, we would set up the nativity scene, and we would have decorations all over the living room. My dad would also string Christmas lighting around the inside windows, as well as the outside of our home. I was immersed in the holiday spirit by the entire experience that was created.

Although my mom enjoys the holidays, my dad was really the light (and frankly the spirit) when it came to the importance of celebrating holidays together as a family…

My dad passed away twenty-six years ago and holidays have never been the same in our family. Since he was the holiday man, the traditions we had as a family have become obsolete. Because of this, I have found that being with a man who enjoys the holidays is important to me, especially since around the holidays is when I miss my dad the most. Unfortunately, not all men enjoy the holidays as much as my dad did.

I have come across men who do not enjoy the holidays at all; having a poor attitude, becoming overly stressed and caring less about creating a festive and meaningful experience. Fortunately, I have also come across men who love the holidays. I’ve even come across a few guys who enjoy the holidays even more due to their significant other.

As long as a man one-hundred percent supports (emotionally, physically and with a great attitude) your excitement—and what holidays mean to you— he can make your holidays special…

I met a guy who told me (with a big smile) how much his wife loves, loves, loves the holidays. She fully enjoys decorating as a way of celebrating—and she does not skimp on spreading her holiday cheer. He told me that they even have a very large shed that holds all of their holiday decorations that she has (and keeps) collecting over the years.

His wife will decorate their entire home, inside, outside, and lawn. She decorates for Valentine’s Day, Easter, Saint Patrick’s Day, 4th of July, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Eve. He expressed that even though he likes holidays, his love for them isn’t as great as his wife’s, however seeing how thrilled she gets, fills him with happiness.

Throughout the months, he helps her look for holiday decorations and gifts. They will work together each year to create all of her festive holiday ideas. Not only does this bring them closer as a couple, this also has become their special tradition. Ahh…very enduring.

Having a holiday man does not necessarily mean he has to be as excited as you are about the holidays. Remember, being supportive, not complaining, and working hard to make the holidays special with you—for whatever holiday(s) you enjoy celebrating—is just as important.

There are some men who end up enjoying the holidays because you do…

I was in a relationship for several years with a guy who at first was not a big fan of the holidays due to negative experiences from his past. But, because he knew that I enjoyed celebrating he worked hard to make the holidays special with me.

We would throw huge Thanksgiving dinners and Christmas Eve parties. He even went out of his way to make Valentine’s Day special with fun surprises that would last from morning to night. Yay!

There are some men who have the holiday spirit inside them, and look forward to holidays as much as you do, or who end up bringing more holiday cheer into your life that you didn’t expect like my dad…

I was in a relationship with a guy who loved the holidays. It was so refreshing to be with a guy like this and it was the first year in a long time that I didn’t miss my dad so immensely because this guy made me feel like my dad was with us—creating similar traditions as I had experienced as a child.

As a surprise, he took me Christmas tree shopping, something I have not done in over thirty years. I remember having the biggest smile on my face trying to decide on a tree that my dad would be proud of. After walking around the entire lot, my boyfriend and I ended up deciding on the same tree. Not only was the tree perfect, going together and picking one out was even more perfect.

We set the tree up and placed white lights on it together while listening to holiday music. We decided on a color scheme for our tree—silver, white and gold—and took our time picking out holiday ornaments at various stores and online. We also decorated our apartment with white lights and mistletoe. We even threw a huge holiday party for our family and friends. Being with a man who loved the holidays really made my holidays more special.

Ladies, if celebrating the holidays is important to you, find a man who feels the same way as you do, or who wants to be supportive in spreading the holiday cheer with you. Holidays only come around once a year and they are created for spending quality time with the ones you love, reflections of appreciation, and times of celebration. A true holiday man will bring more joy, love, and sparkle into your life…making the holidays everything you dream of and more.

Happy Holidays!

This article is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge. Content is for informational or entertainment purposes only and does not substitute for personal counsel or professional advice in business, financial, legal, or technical matters.

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