Successful "Miss-Adventures"
Ladies share their success stories with me ALL THE TIME!
Here are just a few “successful Miss-Adventures” moments that may inspire you.

“Stephanie came into my life in the most unexpected way. I had been seeking the very guidance, wisdom, and enlightenment from a source unknown to me longer than I care to admit. It never ceases to amaze me how very small this seemingly great big world actually is. I had just participated in and completed a collaborative book publication along with twenty other unstoppable women. It was an incredible experience and one that would ultimately lead me on the path to live my very divine human existence. Through our mutual connections to the publisher of this book, as well as another visionary doing great things in her own right, Stephanie and I met via Social Media. We agreed to speak by phone and from the very beginning I felt a strong pull to connect with her on a deeper level so that I unknowingly could embark on something quite extraordinary. Shortly after our first conversation and learning where Stephanie’s passion lies, I dove right in and began my Love Sessions. I am extremely grateful that our first session was in person as I was visiting my son in Colorado.
The path to attaining a strong sense of self-empowerment, with Stephanie’s support, is certainly not for the faint of heart. It takes lots of hard “work” and I can honestly say I have not looked back since completing six months of weekly sessions with her. Through my self-love journey, my evolution and transformation has enabled me to see worthiness as my superpower to invite in long-lasting healthy habits, abundance, inner peace, and grounding. Stephanie’s straightforward, no holes barred, witty, compassionate, and loving approach helped direct me through the painful process of letting go of what no longer served me to reveal what had always been there. Throughout our sessions, accountability always played a critical role, as I was required to complete tasks which further opened me up to heal and thrive. If you seek greater degrees of happiness in your life, desire better and more loving relationships with others, and want to master self-love, then Stephanie is the Mentor and Coach for you! She is patient and gentle in her approach, yet questions you thoroughly to achieve the necessary breakthroughs, while placing honesty over practicality above everything for you to accomplish deep and purposeful self-reflection. I would most definitely recommend Stephanie as your Love Coach to bring out your true essence and light that is intended to be shared with the world!”
support in ways that are invaluable and pushes you in just the
right ways. She leads with love and kindness. I am grateful for all her
direct and indirect advice she has give me over the years.”

Hi, My Name is Jodi and I found Stephanie through a conversation about micro blading eyebrows. Instantly, I was drawn to her calm personality, smile, self-confidence, and friendliness. She loved my eyebrows and I recall telling her all about the process. What seemed to be a simple conversation among two women, opened the door to years of wonderful conversations.
After seeing her at the yoga studio for several months, I asked her what she did outside of teaching yoga. She told me about her love coaching, and I made my first appointment with her in January of 2020. I remember she poured me a cup of tea in a red “love” mug, and gave me a red heart to hold. I think I cried for hours after that first session, because I finally found someone who understood, and knew how to process this journey of love with me.
In the first few sessions we worked a TON on self love, I worked on vision boards, mantras, and mostly, myself. At first, I was like, “when do we get to the relational love?” What I learned was: all love starts with me. I worked for months and months on self love. We later moved to my romantic relationship, friendships, and family relationships. After years of internet dating and living in “Menver”, I wanted to do things differently. In March of 2021, my boyfriend proposed, and in November of 2021 we got married. I still meet with Stephanie regularly to continue the hard work. She is the type of coach who allows you to interview for a new job mid session, while bringing a bottle of champagne for you to take home. She is loving, kind, and real. She taught me how to focus on myself and my husband, instead of trying to please the world. I am a people pleaser, so working with her has been life changing. My husband and I are now starting IVF. While I have an IVF support group, I can’t imaging starting this without Stephanie. I know becoming a mother is going to take a lot of self love and acceptance, and that is where we started. My time with Stephanie has been full circle, and I would recommend anyone and everyone taking time to work with her. ”

“What can I say…if you want the real deal on anything Stephanie is your go to girl! She will give it to you straight no matter what the issue. Real talk, from a real women…she DOESN’T disappoint! She’s an added bonus to anyone’s life”