We Can Eliminate Standing Water From Your Location
Sustainable management of water is one of the world’s most challenging issues of the 21st century. ParjanaSM is dedicated to providing water management and consulting services that are innovative, integrative, and data-driven.
Our Detroit-based team was originally drawn to the field of water management and to using groundbreaking technology by the water quality and water availability challenges happening in our own State of Michigan. Today, we have ongoing research collaborations with academics, government agencies, and corporations worldwide, and manage projects in diverse applications and settings: city streets and sidewalks, agricultural land, large commercial developments, groundwater recharge facilities, and beyond.

Energy Passive Groundwater Recharge Product
Parjana’sSM innovative technology mimics and enhances natural groundwater movement by taking advantage of the unique physical and chemical properties of water. EGRPTM technology accelerates infiltration into and through the near surface soils, ultimately increasing the volume of water that can be stored, infiltrated and recharged.
EGRPTM technology improves infiltration rates as a solution to get rid of standing water. The system promotes drainage by utilizing an energy-passive solution, strengthened by the natural movement of groundwater.
ParjanaSM EGRPTM system improves infiltration by creating a balanced environment. Data shoes that moisture content is kept at its lower energy state, which is excellent for soil health and plant growth.
EGRPTM systems neither clog nor require maintenance. ParjanaSM has monitored sites for years after installation in order to evaluate performance, and no system has stopped working or required interference.
EGRPTM implementation consists of multiple devices that are installed vertically into the ground and arranged within a carefully calculated layout by a team of skilled engineers based on local design criteria, such as topography and soil type, as well as the individual customer’s water management objectives.
Ground Water Management Solutions
Perfectly Engineered
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Water means life. It is one of the precious resources that sustain life on Earth. Whether animals or...

Let’s revise our concept of water conservation. It is a mindful approach to conserve and protect water...
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Jhin Stalker
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. At tempora cumque delectus nam obcaecati consectetur ad dolorum neque dolores nemo!

Jhon Doe
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. At tempora cumque delectus nam obcaecati consectetur ad dolorum neque dolores nemo!

Jhan Stalker
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. At tempora cumque delectus nam obcaecati consectetur ad dolorum neque dolores nemo!