Power Measurement Reference
We’re in the process of creating a library of reference materials for power measurement. All of these materials will be “copy free” and available for any non commercial use. Hopefully this will be a very useful reference for everyone from meterman to engineer.
About Us
New Power Measurements Handbook
Introducing the Power Measurements Handbook,a comprehensive handbook for electricity metering professionals.
Beginning with DC and AC circuit theory and progressing through advanced power theory, a complete modern presentation is provided. Over 130 technical drawings, most in full color, provide complete documentation of US meter sockets, meter forms and service types. Current and potential transformer theory and application are presented. For each service type wiring diagrams are provided for each applicable meter form. Field testing is addressed for sites, PTs, CTs, and meters. For common non-Blondel meter applications a complete analysis of potential errors is provided. Power Measurements Handbook, 66 pages, 5.5” x 8.5”, spiral bound.

Contact Us
Electricity Metering Library
The intent of The Library is to create a single repository with as much useful information about power measurement and metering as possible. Contributions are actively solicited. If you have something which you’d like to contribute email Bill.Hardy@PowerMeasurements.com.
To reach a subject area section of the library click one of the navigation buttons to the left. Featured and new material is highlighted below.
Consulting Services
Power Measurements provides consulting services in a variety of areas:
- Product development (systems engineering, project management, electronics design, mecjanical design)*
- Business development and product marketing.
- Training in all areas of power measurement and metering.
- Design of calibration and testing programs