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Panasonic UD-7900 Computerized TLD Reader

The UD-7900 Reader automatically reads all
“UD-800 Series” TL Badges with high reproducibility and precision. Using the non-contact optical heating method, the reader can measure a large number of TL badges at high speed with reliability.
Both the photon-counting method (pulse-counting) for small signals and the current integration method for large signals are employed to precisely detect the thermolumines-cence throughout a wide range from low to high doses.
The reader is equipped with self-checking functions for the optical path, sensitivity of PM tube, heating stabilty etc. It also performs automatic functions such as annealing of the TL badges for repeat use, optical reading of the ID code, and sensitivity adjustment correction by the built-in reference light source.
Pre-heating, annealing, and ID code optical reading are also incorporated

Applicable TL Badge UD-800 series (All Panasonic TLD Badges)
Heating Method Optical Heating System (Non-Contact)
Measuring Range Li2B4O7 10mR ~ 1000R (100µSv ~ 10 Sv) CaSO4 1mR ~ 50R (10µSv ~ 500mSv)
Measuring Time Fast Mode (UD-710) – Approx. 20 sec. for 4-element badge Slow Mode (UD-716) – Approx. 35 sec. for 4-element badge
TL Badge Loading Automatic loading with Built In Auto-changer for 10 magazines 50 badges per magazine x10 magazines = 500 badges/loading
Weight and Dimensions Approx. 150kg Approx. 1000(W) x 850(H) x 430(D) mm


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