Sound Healing

Sound Healing

Certified Sound Healer. Reset you vibration, heal your auric field.

Book Your Session or Event Today!

Taking you the furthest into your future.  Crystal energy readings can produce dates and names and other detailed information about your future.Series of soul retrieval (Akashik healing & soul retrieval) – Emotional clearing and healing, regaining lost parts of your soul for those who have experienced trauma and past life karma/soul ties.Please contact me for pricing and more info.

Gongs & Crystal Bowl Vibrational Sessions

Focus sessions for releasing negative energy and resetting your vibration, and personal auric field.

  • Divine Feminine Sessions
  • Chord Cutting
  • Releasing of Past Vibrations & Pain
  • Lotus Flower Prayer Session & Channelling
  • Channeled Messages From The Divine

 (May include encouraging prayer and personal affirmations by request)

Ways to Pay for Readings or Donate Here
Thank you

At Robins Realm, we deeply appreciate the generosity of our community. We are grateful for any donation you are inspired to make toward our spiritual healing sessions. All donations go directly back into the business, allowing us to offer free sessions and readings to those in need. If you would like to make a donation, you may do so through Zelle, PayPal, or Venmo links: We thank you for your support

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