Bacteria Levels on Playgrounds

Would you send them into an area to be exposed to germs, animal droppings, bugs, or body fluids? I know the answer to that is a resounding no, but thousands of unknowing parents send their kids into a perilous place every day–“The Playground”.  

A recent test conducted by the International Journal of Environmental Health Research concluded that 44% of playground surfaces tested positive for urine, feces, mucus, saliva, and other blood borne pathogens. You would never let your kids play in any of these places, but that’s exactly what is happening if your backyard playground is not being maintained and cleaned.

Only 25 percent of public restrooms tested positive, yet playground equipment was the number one contaminated surface. Many people assume that rain and snow is enough to wash away whatever may be on the surface of the playground equipment, but in fact, may times the weather just spreads the contaminants.

The good news is while all that may seem like gloom and doom, The latest research reveals that it may actually be possible to raise children in an environment that’s too clean – and the ultra-sterile environments can actually make kids more susceptible to certain illnesses.

The question is, how do you strike the balance? When we are talking about public parks and playgrounds, a common sense approach is best. Parents should always give equipment a good visual inspection before allowing kids to play on the equipment. Any signs of foreign matter on the equipment should be avoided, and should the child come in contact they should wash their hands immediately with an antibacterial soap. This simple habit is one of the most important actions kids can take to keep illness at bay and stop the spread of germs. Keep encouraging hand washing until it becomes a habit.

For homeowners, regular scheduling a professionally trained pressure washing service like Spotless Pressure Washing can be a very valuable service when it comes to keeping the kids healthy and safe. Look for a company that will soft wash with proven sanitizing solutions that kill bacteria on contact and leave surfaces completely disinfected. Without cleaning, the build up of leaves, dirt, and potentially mold can also affect the soundness of the actual structure. Cleaning provides regular maintenance to the equipment and keeps it safe to use, and extends the life of the equipment.

At Spotless Pressure Washing, we are experts at caring for these surfaces, and understand the importance of keeping your kids and loved ones healthy and safe. We have families too.2

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