IR Cube

Cubo IR presents in its formulation compounds that act directly on the plants’ natural defense metabolic routes, in addition to promoting balanced nutrition.
Cubo IR has high synergism with pesticides, stimulates the production of secondary metabolites, increasing plant tolerance to disease attacks, making your crops more productive and profitable.


NATURAL DEFENSE OF PLANT: Increases the production of lignin and phytoalexins, compounds that act in the formation of physical and chemical barriers against the invasion of pathogens.

METABOLIC EFFICIENCY: High absorption and translocation of nutrients and compounds used in its formulation, promoting greater efficiency in plant physiological processes.

HIGH COMPATIBILITY: Chelated and complexed nutrients, ensuring high utilization of the compounds used, without incompatibility problems in the tank.


Positioning Doses
Vegetative and reproductive phase 200 – 500 ml/ha


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