
Nitrogen-fixing bacteria are excellent at making this macronutrient available, as they transform it into ammonium, which facilitates assimilation by plants. In legumes, conversion occurs through symbiosis between plant roots and bacteria (Bradyrhizobium spp. and Rhizobium spp.), forming nodules. In grasses, endophytic bacteria (Azospirillum spp.), which are mainly concentrated in the roots, provide the nitrogen available to the plants. These bacteria also stimulate the production of phytohormones (indole acetic acid – AIA, cytokinin and gibberyllin)
responsible for plant growth (aerial and root parts).
Nodofix Soja: presents selected strains of bacteria (Bradyrhizobium japonicum) that increase the potential for biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) in soybean crops (Glycine max). When applied via seed treatment or via furrows, the inoculant concentrates close to the roots, favoring plant-bacterial symbiosis.
Nodofix Beans: presents selected strains of bacteria (Rhizobium tropici) that increase the potential for biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) in bean crops (Phaseolus vulgaris).
Nodofix AZP: is a liquid inoculant composed of a pure culture of bacteria (Azospirillum brasilense – AbV5 and AbV6), which enhances
plant growth.


High quality inoculant;
Selected bacteria;
Practicality in application;
Nitrogen supply;
Increased root area (improves nutrient and water absorption, increasing tolerance to water and saline stress);
Stimulates the production of phytohormones;
Productivity increase;
Excellent value for money;
Lower environmental impacts (less polluting).


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