Tractus Smart

Tractus Smart is a pelletized mineral fertilizer, with an innovative formulation, to be applied in addition to the base fertilizer, in the furrow or broadcast. Tractus Smart promotes balanced nutrition and correction of the soil profile in a single operation, in addition to improving the physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil, promoting excellent crop development and high productivity.


BALANCED NUTRITION: Contains balanced amounts of macro and micronutrients, silicon, humic acids with high solubility and readily available to plants, with slow release, without salinizing the soil.

SOIL CONDITIONER: It is a conditioner to correct the acidity complex and neutralize toxic aluminum. With this, we have the movement of Ca and S, correcting and nourishing the soil profile, enabling greater root growth.

PLANT DEFENSE: It induces the synthesis of high concentrations of secondary metabolites in the plant, which act as true physical and chemical barriers, hindering the entry and development of pathogens, such as pests, diseases and nematodes.



Positioning Doses
30 kg/ha via planting furrow.
60 kg/ha via broadcast fertilization.


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