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Hot Stone Massage Therapy – Benefits And Aftercare Tips

Hot Stone Massage Therapy

Massages have been around in the world for thousands of years and people of every generation have been drawn towards it to reap full spiritual, physical, and mental benefits from it. With so many messages out there, often we feel confused when it comes to deciding the one for ourselves. If you are looking to restore your mental and physical health then we recommend you hot stone massage therapy which has proven to be excellent in combating medical ailments. The full-body relaxation you get from hot stone massage therapy is effective in reducing stress and stiffness of joints and muscles. One of the main reasons why so many people are opting for hot stone massage therapy is because it greatly differs from other massages. This massage therapy begins with warm bodywork and gentle exfoliation of the skin. The light yet strong strokes in circular motions combined with special tools like rollers and heated rocks are perfect to loosen up the muscles and enhance the overall well-being and functioning of the body.


The quiet, relaxed, and tranquil environment stops our nervous system and mind from overthinking which results in a sharp decline in stress and anxiety. Another reason why hot stone massage therapy is gaining popularity is that this massage therapy is one of the best remedies to combat serious health conditions and allows people to handle and manage the symptoms more effectively. The health conditions include:


  • Asthma

  • Allergies

  • Cystic Fibrosis

  • Obesity

  • Heart Problem

  • Migraine

  • And even PMS


The key element of hot stone massage therapy is the hot stones that are made of basalt used and kept on different parts of the body to stimulate the lymphatic system which enhances the blood flow and circulation of the body.


Great Relaxation

One of the prime benefits of hot stone massage therapy is that a person is being to relax. The warmth and hot stones combined with soft circular kneading and long strokes put pressure on certain points of our body which instantly relaxes muscles, and regenerated cells and tissues, while also beginning mental peace. The feeling of relaxation obtained from hot stone massage therapy is unmatchable.


Hot stone Massage Therapy

Relax Tight Muscles

Constantly working at the same angle or sitting upright infront of a computer or laptop the entire day can create tension in the muscles which results in soreness, stiffness, spasm, and strain. Another reason for tight muscle can be the lack of stretching – therefore, people opt for hot stone massage therapy because the massage therapist not only slowly and gently kneads the body but they also stretch out muscles that loosen them up. Stretching during hot stone massage therapy not only opens up the blood flow and tightness of muscles but also helps them release the accumulated tension and makes them less susceptible to injury.


Aids Sleep

Massaging the hot stones on the body with deeper strokes and a little pressure makes heat penetrate the body which improves blood flow and minimizes pain causing the person to feel light as a feather. The relief from stress and kneading improves sleep and even restores sleep for patients who are suffering from insomnia.


Managing Chronic Pain

If you are suffering from any sort of chronic pain then hot stone massage therapy can be extremely beneficial for you. The hot stones are placed onto the trouble area where they penetrate heat and promote deeper muscle relaxation. Moreover, hot stone massage therapy has the power to stimulate competing nerves and can close the pain gate completely. According to many types of research, hot stone massage therapy has proven to be more effective than medicines to deal with and heal chronic pain.


Hot stone Massage Therapy


Aftercare Tips

Hot stone massage therapy is special and therefore if you want to reap its full benefits you have to strictly follow some aftercare tips. One of the first things to understand is that hot stone massage therapy has a strong detoxifying effect on the body which means it drains out all toxins from the body through sweat, making your body light and a little vulnerable. Thus, one of the first things you need to do after getting hot stone massage therapy is to drink a lot of water. Avoid coffee, smoking, vaping, lattes – basically, everything that has caffeine, alcohol, and tobacco.


Secondly, avoid going for any strong kind of workout after getting hot stone massage therapy, and lastly, avoid taking showers. The shower will lower your body temperature and eventually you’ll lose the heat which is supposed to heal and treat you. Moreover, the shower will also remove the oil which was applied by the massage therapist. For hot stone massage therapy to work properly, it is important that the oil seeps and goes deep into the skin.

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