Here’s Some Great Information Concerning Addiction Recovery!

Good information you say about alcohol and addiction recovery?! But first we will review the bad news in order to put things in perspective. There is a lot of really discouraging information in the reports about alcohol, substance abuse and addiction. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), in 2013 it was over 9 % which is up from over 8 % in 2002 for Americans abusing illegal drugs. The increase is huge for the use of pot (marijuana), all types of prescription pills and other drugs as well.

The Problem Grows for Addiction Recovery

The problem grows daily with the numbers increasing as I write and is very common in the USA and around the world. People are experiencing addiction not only to alcohol but to all types of substances. These substance are not good for them and have potential to control or ruin their lives.

To that point, an article written in 2011 by Harvard Medical School states that about one person out of ten are experiencing addiction and abuse to drugs or alcohol. That makes around 10 % of people in the US are battling the constant cravings that seem to control their lives. And that, they are struggling to find money for alcohol or drugs, they are losing their jobs and maybe getting into legal trouble. In all, they are having problems in most every area of their life and the addiction is touching all areas of their life. Also, people are taking more and more of drugs and alcohol to get the feelings that they experienced when starting. This is because they don’t get the same highs or lows as in the beginning. This has greatly contributed to rising addiction and the increase in drug overdoses.

Research Shows How Addiction Affects the Brain

Research now shows that addiction affects the brain by changing the chemical structure which makes it difficult to stop using making addiction recovery far off. In addition, it causes strong urges for the substance that is being abused. It causes the addiction which in turn causes your behavior to change by losing control over usage even though there are dire consequences including ruining your life. This may make alcohol and addiction recovery seem unattainable.

Addiction is part of a Latin word that means, enslaved by or bound to. I’m sure if you have struggled with addiction to anything in the past or if you are now; you will agree wholeheartedly.

I’m sure that I haven’t told you anything that you didn’t already know that addiction to alcohol or drugs is absolutely terrible.

The Great News

But, there is some great news concerning alcohol and addiction recovery.

I know the news on alcohol and drug addiction can be discouraging. There really is some great news for those who love someone or themselves are experiencing addiction—recovery. Recovery really does happen, even when you feel all hope is lost!

Relapse happens 40-60 % of the time for those striving to learn to live sober and overcome the dark shadow of addiction. I know this seems like discouraging news, but, it also can translate to 40-60 % succeed and learn to live sober and put their life back together again! Also, compared to other illnesses like diabetes or asthma, the relapse rate is close to the same.

Just think of all the things you get back with alcohol or addiction recovery. You get your life; job, family, friends and a new lifestyle. No more hiding and lying, no cravings or doing anything for a fix. You get to really live again. That is exciting and wonderfully great news.

ACTS Recovery Homes offers a solid solution for after-treatment sober living. Please call us at 512-497-2147.

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