Sober Living in Austin, Texas or anywhere
The more you know, the more you understand, the more you can grow and heal in order to stay sober.
Relapse Prevention: 5 Signs you’re Slipping Back into Depression

Battling depression can be a lifelong process, with many obstacles and relapses along the way. Learning to spot the early warning signs of depression is your best defense against relapse, as it enables you to seek help and advice quickly. Here are five signs that you’re slipping back into depression.
Is Drug Addiction the same as Alcohol Addiction?

People generally dismiss alcohol addiction as a consequential disorder when compared to the more popular drug addiction. The misconception arises from the fact that the effects alcohol addiction is not as vilified or well documented as the effects of drug addiction in the media, for the simple reason that alcohol as a substance is legal if you meet the age requirement, and drugs are illegal no matter the age bracket you find yourself. Let us debunk this by defining the various terms and how they are different.
Sober Living after Rehab

It can be challenging to transition from rehab into sober living in real life. People from rehab have a difficult time getting it right with jobs, social life, and their formal life in general. This is why living in a sober home is recommended for friends and family just getting out of rehab. Sober living homes, also called halfway houses, allows for better monitoring and prevention of relapse.
Family Roles & Addiction Treatment: Offering Support

Family members are frequently burned-out by the time someone seeks addiction treatment. Some may have already cut off the addict, while others are so deep in enabling patterns, that they know no other way to live. There is often a range of emotions from extreme anger to indifference, depending on the role played during the addiction.
Here are three ways you can take a positive role in your family member’s journey in addiction treatment.
Am I an Alcoholic? Take This Personal Assessment Quiz Now

It can be tough to identify if things are, in fact, out of control. You wake up with a throbbing hangover and horrible guilt about the things you did the night before, and you wonder if perhaps you’re an alcoholic. Then you hear someone else laughing off their own stories of drunken embarrassment and catastrophic hangovers and you wonder if you’re being too hard on yourself.
Taking the quiz below will give you an idea if you’re in the danger zone. Be honest with yourself when you answer the questions. No one needs to know your answers but you. Each question has a “yes” or “no” answer. The more questions you answer “yes,” the more likely you’re drinking too much.
Find the Right Addiction Treatment Center for Addiction Recovery

Finding the right addiction treatment center for someone who needs help for alcohol or drug addiction recovery can be difficult. Many addiction treatment centers think their treatment model is the best. Talking to an admission counselor for a treatment center can feel like talking to a car salesman who earnestly believes in the superiority of the cars he is selling. It can be difficult to distinguish between a sales pitch and deeply-held beliefs about an addiction program’s effectiveness and the actual addiction recovery rate.
What is Life Like in a Sober Home?

This is a bird’s-eye view of what it is like to live in a sober home. You’ve just finished working through the program at a treatment center, so you may be asking – what’s the next step? Like many treatment center graduates, you’re uncertain of what the future holds and wondering how to move forward. You’re excited and a little nervous about getting back out into real life. But, there it is, you’re feeling uncertain and maybe recognize some old triggers already. It can be unsettling thinking about facing old triggers and even more so worrying about running in friends from your using days. The pressure is already building. That’s where living in a sober home comes in.
How to be Supportive for Someone who is Recovering from Alcoholism

It is not strange to want to lend your support to a love one or a friend during a crisis. Same can be said when the people we love fall into the habit of alcohol addiction. However, being a supportive friend can be a challenge. Alcoholism is both sickness and addiction. Therefore, it is crucial you know what to expect and how best to address that friend who is addicted to alcohol.
Here’s Some Great Information Concerning Addiction Recovery!

Good information you say about alcohol and addiction recovery?! But first we will review the bad news in order to put things in perspective. There is a lot of really discouraging information in the reports about alcohol, substance abuse and addiction.
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), in 2013 it was over 9 % which is up from over 8 % in 2002 for Americans abusing illegal drugs. The increase is huge for the use of pot (marijuana), all types of prescription pills and other drugs as well.
Austin, Texas Addiction Resources

Are you or do you know someone who is struggling to maintain a life of sobriety or tying to get sober from alcohol or substance addiction? If I’m speaking to you…and you really do feel like you’re all alone and no one understands – I can honestly tell you that you truly are not alone. There is so much information and help at your fingertips. There are many people who have, are and will experience the exact same feelings that you feel right now. Over the next few blog posts we are going to discover together all the resources right in the Texas area and many that are right in the Austin metropolitan area that are ready and waiting to help you get on the right path to sobriety.
Texas and beyond Addiction Resources

Maybe you relapsed and this is your second, third or more times seeking help. We know it’s tough, really tough and many people fall off the wagon but don’t stop there, get back on and on and on again until it sticks. It will and you will be so glad you kept on trying. It is so worth it—YOU are so worth it.
Sooo, here we are again, learning that we are not alone on our journey to sobriety, battling alcoholism or drug abuse. Our goal is the make you feel that there is help and hope for you and yes, we are talking directly to you.
Why Choose to Stay in a Sober Home?

Why choose to stay in a sober home, you may ask? The news is not new, that alcohol consumption is constantly on the rise alongside the potential to abuse it. According to reports, 6.2% of adults (roughly 15.1 million people) suffer from alcohol use disorder within the last decade.
A quick look into what alcohol abuse has cost its victims might shock you. For some, it has cost them careers, marriages, security and much more.
Nevertheless, let’s focus on a proven solution for helping with recovery from alcohol abuse. One such solution for learning to live sober is living in a sober home which can help alcoholics maintain their sobriety.
Seasonal Sobriety Tips

The Holiday season can be rife with conflicting emotions for all. For people in recovery, this season can be particularly poignant and challenging in many respects. Those of us who strive to live in accord with the twelve steps of recovery have an abundant set of tools with which to cope in this “jolly” season.
Getting someone to go into a sober living home or rehab

Alcoholism and addiction is confusing, extremely stressful and reduces the ability to function — and it’s much more prevalent than we often think. According to a recent Pew Report, over 45% of Americans know someone such as a friend or family member who is struggling with or has struggled with a alcoholism or an addiction disorder. Watching someone we care about deal with addiction can be difficult, even heartbreaking. Even if they have hurt us over the years or are currently acting in an unhealthy way, we want them to healthy and have a wonderful life. Your actions and words may help save someone’s life; you are not as powerless as you may feel.
Get the Right Information: Official Resources

Drug addiction and alcoholism can be a lot to understand and feel impossible to conquer. Especially if you feel alone or lacking in resources.
The following is a list of official and governmental resources on alcohol and drug addiction information. It provides a great source of tools, information and guidance on substance addiction.