Do You Feel Alone and No One Understands? Part 1 Austin, Texas Addiction Recovery Resources

Are you or do you know someone who is struggling to maintain a life of sobriety or tying to get sober from alcohol or substance addiction? If I’m speaking to you…and you really do feel like you’re all alone and no one understands – I can honestly tell you that you truly are not alone. There is so much information and help at your fingertips. There are many people who have, are and will experience the exact same feelings that you feel right now. Over the next few blog posts we are going to discover together all the resources right in the Texas area and many that are right in the Austin metropolitan area that are ready and waiting to help you get on the right path to sobriety.

Hill Country Intergroup

First we are going to get to know the Hill Country Intergroup (HCIA) which promotes and manages the Alcoholics Anonymous program in the Austin, TX area. It offers a wealth of information for local meetings, news, events and general information. Here is a short list of information you can find on their website.

The Austin Alcoholics Anonymous HCIA Website URL:

For a searchable table of meetings go here or you can go to the map here You can toggle back and forth for the list and the map. You can enter zip code, time and day to narrow the search results. You should be able to find an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting pretty much anytime you need to attend one. The also offer a 24 hour hotline and more information at their number, 512-444-0071.

Here is a printable version of the group meetings for North Austin Alcoholics Anonymous meetings.

They offer a lot of information and news here: It has newsletters that have local and regional news and stories from recovering alcoholics and addicts including exerts from AA Grapevine a magazine that features stories and articles from recovering alcoholics and addicts. One funny antidote from AA Grapevine for August, 2018 was ““The only trouble with trouble is that it always starts out as fun.” Now ain’t that the truth? You can read it here

Here are a few of the resources that they show on their site that target many areas of addiction. Hopefully there is one for you even if your main addiction is not alcohol or substances. You can see the full list here

However, once you get the help that you need, living in a sober home should be the next step toward maintaining sobriety and we are eager to help you on that step in your life. Please call us at 512-497-2147 or use this form.

Alcoholics Anonymous

Hill Country Intergroup

1825 Fortview Rd.

Suite #104

Austin, Tx 78704

Office Hours:

9AM to 6PM, Monday – Friday

24 Hour Hotline: 512-444-0071

World Headquarters:

Al-Anon/Alateen Anonymous

1307-G Treadwell St.

Austin, TX 78704


World Headquarters:

Cocaine Anonymous


Co-dependents Anonymous


Drug Addicts Anonymous

Local contact: (512)529-7688

Narcotics Anonymous


ACTS Recovery Homes offers a solid solution for after-treatment sober living. Please call us at 512-497-2147.

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