

Dennis Ramone

Dennis lives in Algodon, on the Santa Domingo Pueblo, NM near Santa Fe.  He is an accomplished silversmith, his pieces reflect both traditional and contemporary style.

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Joe L. & Angie P. Reano

Their handmade mosaic inlay jewelry is made of small hand-hewn pieces of stone fitted together in the mosaic style and affixed to a shell backing. They then carve their initials in the shell of each piece.

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Mary Lou Kokaly

Mary Lou learned to make story teller pottery from her mother. Her pieces vary in size from small to quite elaborate.  They are all intricately painted with clothing and design that reflects the traditions from her native pueblos.

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Richard Singer

Richard Singer is a third-generation Navajo artist. He is from Standing Horse Mesa on the Navajo Reservation in Arizona.etc

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Native Gatherings

Heard Museum, Phoenix, AZ, March

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Stacy Turpen

His hand carved fetishes are made from a wide variety of gem stones and crafted into unique designs and color combinations creating sought after necklaces and earrings.

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