It took me years to find my purpose and align with my source of true well-being. I realized that working in the legal field and insurance industry had nothing to do with who I am, nor was it in alignment with my wellness and values. Life showed me that I needed to make a change and re- evaluate what is truly important – the quality of my life, time (with family and loved ones), and my health. Sure, I tried to cover up with distractions, being busy with mundane chores and pretending it was normal, but the lessons kept showing up. I got tired of the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual burnout. It was time to let go of limited beliefs, self-imposed limitations, and everything else that no longer served me.
The struggles along the journey have allowed me to discover how my perception of myself can sometimes be so distorted. I felt disconnected and doubtful in my decisions. At times, I
questioned the source of my thoughts and realized that not every thought is true. I want better and deserve more than just settling on fear. Our mind’s primary duty is to keep us safe, not necessarily happy.
Since my mom’s transition, I have gotten in touch with an imaginable pain. Hypnotherapy has been a transformational healing in helping me navigate through this new life without my mom’s physical presence. I deeply empathize with anyone going through the hardship of losing a loved one. I’m here to help one’s experience with grief take on a transformative turn toward inner peace and loving acceptance. People say that “time heals all wounds,” but I strongly disagree. In my experience, connection is the healing force. It’s about re-establishing a connection with oneself and knowing that we’re all connected.
It takes a lot of courage to let go of old beliefs and patterns that no longer serve us, but it’s all part of becoming the best version of ourselves. As an avid runner and a 2022 Boston Marathoner, I understand how powerful thoughts, words, and actions are and their role in manifesting the life we want to create.
I’m here to support you on your transformative journey toward self-discovery and joy and to help you achieve your desired outcomes through Hypnotherapy.
Professional Knowledge and Experience
University of Central Florida
Bachelor of Science in Legal Studies
Minor in Marketing
Transform Destiny NLP Institute
Clinical Hypnotherapy
CORE Method of Success and Life Coach
NLP Practitioner Training (in progress)
Create Your Life Seminar
Board Certification by the International Board of Coaches and Practitioners
Transformation Academy
Mindfulness Life Coach
Positive Psychology Practitioner
Landmark Education
The Landmark Forum
The Advanced Course
Energy Healing
Supreme Science QiGong Center by Jeff Primack
Qi Gong Practitioner
Usui Shiki Ryoho Method
Reiki Practitioner
Certified Long-Distance Running Coach
Road Runners Club of America
USA Track and Field
Vdot O2 Jack Daniels Method
Fluent in Brazilian Portuguese (native)
Fluent in English
Spanish (conversational)