Coaching | Personalized Training Plans | Hypnotherapy
Wholesome performance | Well-being | Goal achievements
We approach running training holistically by integrating hypnosis for a well-rounded runner’s mindset, designing a training plan congruent with the runner you are today to reach the runner you envision tomorrow, with empathy and understanding of your unique journey so you can have fun while reaching your full potential – both physically and mentally.
What's the deal with Hypnosis and Running?
No matter how much success we have achieved, we are more likely to have yet to reach our full potential. There may be something holding you back from becoming the best version of yourself.
Maybe you finished your long run but procrastinated getting it started because of doubts. Perhaps you ran all your repeats but negatively self-talked each rep for not hitting the targeted paces. Or, let’s say you had a great training cycle, but during the race, you felt overwhelmed, which caused you to finish with a time below your capabilities and left you with low self-esteem.

These issues are common, and the reason lies in the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind holds our internalized fears, beliefs, and mental blocks that control our daily thoughts and behaviors on the auto-pilot.
How do we change these patterns into positive habits? The answer is through Hypnosis.
How does it work?
First, understand that the brain has two parts: the conscious and the subconscious mind. The conscious mind is the analytical part that makes all the decisions. The subconscious is the invisible mind that keeps our body functioning and governs every waking moment. It stores every thought and experience; it contains filters you use to make everyday decisions and helps you make automatic decisions without conscious effort. This is okay unless you develop the fear, limiting beliefs, and unresourceful habits that negatively impact your quality of life.
Negative thoughts and behaviors get embedded in our subconscious, whose job is to keep us safe—not necessarily happy—making it hard for our conscious mind to alter them. Hypnosis
helps reprogram the subconscious mind and create a new operating system. As a hypnotherapist, I will lead you into a hypnotic state of extreme relaxation and heightened suggestibility to safely bypass the conscious critical faculty of the mind and reprogram the subconscious to take new suggestions to adopt a new set of positive behaviors and help you break through mental blocks.
Improving self-esteem & self-confidence
Breaking bad habits – procrastination & self-sabotage
Getting a hold of Taper Tantrums
Increasing motivation and focus
Improving mindset & physical performance
Enhancing visualization & learning to love the process
Keep your spirits high with hypnosis when setbacks or injuries occur