Running is life. All the lessons that running teaches are templates to apply in real-time events.
My philosophy of running is an exchange of energy by integrating intentional and intuitive holistic modalities with a commitment to action to foster inner growth, joy, and determination aligned with a clear vision and mindful intent to learn, inspire, and appreciate the process.
Holistic | ho·lis·tic hō-ˈlis-tik./: relating to or concerned with wholes or with complete systems rather than with the individual parts.
Adapt. Listen to your Higher Self. Rest. Less is more. Take the ice bath. Stretch. Do the warm- up. Do the drills. Lift. Let it go. Empathise. Humility. Gratitude. Fuel to perform. Mindfulness. Self-compassion. Hypnotherapy. Body-Mind Connection.
It all starts with intent. What's your why? What's your intention?
I intend to run until I can no longer, not because of injuries but because of old age. To place running and oneself in a box full of numbers, statistics, and bragging is to devalue what running
is. One can’t read the box label from inside the box. Running encompasses the whole, not just a part of the puzzle.
Dedication. Joy. Discipline. Mindset. Inner growth. Start. Finish. Recognize. Communicate. Listen. Decide. Choose. Integrity. Action. Learn. Reevalute. Be comfortable with the
uncomfortable. You Can Do This. What are you committed to? What do you want? And what are you willing to do to get it? These are fundamental questions that only a runner can answer —a coach can only show you the way. Nothing works without commitment. The moment you sign up for a marathon, it is ON. It’s you vs. you.
I’m here to encourage, coach, and guide you to approach each run and the start line with confidence, resilience, and enthusiasm —no matter your experience level, age, or ability. The only requisite is Commitment.

Determination | /dəˌtərməˈnāSH(ə)n/: firmness of purpose; resoluteness.
Intentness. Purposefulness. Clarity. Tenacity. Your best today is your best today. Failure is only feedback. Either we learn, or we win. I can do this. Never count yourself out. Embrace resilience. Recognize. Reevaluate. Refocus. Keep showing up. Recognize. Reevaluate. Refocus. Why do you run? The answer to this question defines how determined you are. Determination will reveal a higher level of intrinsic motivation unknown to you. It’s a battle between the superficial conscious mind and the subconscious mind. It’s willpower vs. imagination. By integrating Hypnotherapy into my coaching, I can help runners dig deeper into their internal resources to explore the mind-body connection beyond perceived effort. It is not about “making it happen” but “Letting it happen”! “Long-distance running is 90 percent mental, and the other half is physical.” – Rich Davis.