Product Specifications

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Catch Basin Filter Frame Sizing

We provide custom fitting/sizing of our Catch Basin Filter frames to ensure that our Stormfilters (catch basin filters) will fit within your existing cast iron frame and grate for your specific type of storm drainage structure you have at your facility.

Fitment is key! Please provide specific measurements of your catch basin structures, including the length and width of your cast-iron manhole or frame/grate, along with the desired depth (i.e. 12″, 18″ or 24″) and any depth restrictions below the grate such as: protruding pipes, access ladders and off-set concrete catch basin risers. It is appreciated if you can take a photo directly over (top of) your basin structure with the cast-iron grate off so we can see down into your structure.

Measuring Your Catch Basin

Stormwater BIOCHAR Filter Media - Field Testing Information

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