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Adsorbents - Water Filtration Media
“Adsorption, the binding of molecules or particulates to a surface, must be distinguished from absorption, the saturation bonding of a material or the filling of pores in a solid”
Stormwater BIOCHAR Filter Media - iON Exchange Filtration Media
Stormwater BIOCHAR Filter Media is a highly-effective ion exchange adsorbent filter media is a low-cost Stormwater Filter Media for removal of heavy-metals as well as a wide range of contaminants in water.
Stormwater BIOCHAR Filter Media is an organic carbon based bio-char media that is a relatively new treatment technology used in the removal of most pollutants found in storm water discharges. Stormwater BIOCHAR Filter Media is made from a specialized organic media that filters storm water naturally.
Stormwater BIOCHAR Filter Media serves as an ionic exchange medium to enhance the treatment process and effectively reduces: Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Turbidity, COD, Chemicals (Phosphorus & Nitrogen), Heavy-Metals (Zinc, Copper, Iron, Lead) and Oil/Gas (Petrochemicals).

Stormwater BIOCHAR Filter Media has undergone extensive Field & University testing and has shown a 95% reduction of total Aluminum and zinc, and up to a 99% reduction of Cadmium, Chromium, Total Copper, Lead and Iron. Stormwater BIOCHAR Media has been used in many applications such as catch basin filters, roof downspout filters, treatment bed filters, contour ditch booms, filter socks/pillows and filter booms used in channels, ditches and bio-swales.
Adsorbent Product Features/Benefits:
> Removal of Soluble & Insoluble Metals to meet Stormwater Standards
> High Adsorbent Capacity requiring less frequent replacement
> Fast Kinetics to work effectively for high flow rates
> Non-hazardous disposal as solid waste
> Arsenic III > Lead
> Arsenic V > Iron
> Zinc > Cadmium
> Copper > Chromium
> Industrial & Commercial Stormwater Treatment
> Commercial & Municipal Wastewater Treatment
> Catch Basin Filters / Stormwater Treatment Systems
> Roof Downspout Filters (Galvanized/Exposed Metal Roofs)
> Ponds/Drainage Basins/Stormwater Vaults
Stormwater BIOCHAR Filter Media - Field Testing Data

Zeolite - Adsorbent Filter Media
Natural Clinoptilolite Zeolite Adsorbent Filter Media
Low-Cost Stormwater Filtration & Treatment Media
Effective for use in Catch Basin Filters & Water Treatment Systems
High Adsorption Capacity for Adsorbing Hydrocarbons & Metals
Turbidity & Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Removal Rate – 90%
Reduces BOD/COD Concentrations – +90%
Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC) 0.8 – 1.2 meg/g
pH (natural) 7.5 – 8.0
Mesh Sizes available: 4×6, 1/2×14, 6×14 & 14×40
Available in 50-lb. Bags or Pallet size (1-ton) Supersacks
Zeolite (Green) - Adsorbent Filter Media
Hi-Quality Clinoptilolite Adsorbent Filter Media
Water Quality Polishing Adsorbent
Effective for Use in Catch Basin Filters & Roof Downspout Filters
Effective for Use in Stormwater Treatment Systems
High Capacity for Removing Metals (Zinc, Copper, Lead)
Used as a Water Quality Polishing Filter Media
Mesh Sizes Available: 4×6, 1/2×14, 1/4×14, 14×40
Available in 50-lb. Bags or Pallet Size (1-ton supersacks) Orders

Stormwater BIOCHAR Filter Media - Field Testing Data