Smart Pullers - Drainage Utility Tools

Home . Smart Pullers – Drainage Utility Tools

Description of DDK Smart Puller Tools

Hard Surface MH Puller - Model # HS102 WT. 18lbs. ($785.00)

Used for hard surfaces only. Used for lifting Manhole lids and Contech Storm Water CB Filter covers. All wheeled pullers are available with a collapsible handle.

Rough Terrain Puller - Model #SG100 WT. 20lbs. ($850.00)

Used for hard surfaces only. Used for lifting Manhole lids and Contech Storm Water CB Filter covers. All wheeled pullers are available with a collapsible handle.

Elevated MH Puller - Model #M103 ($390.00)

Used for lifting Manhole Covers that are elevated above ground. All wheeled pullers come standard with Manhole Hook attachment either ½” or 5/8” and are available with a collapsible handle.

Catch Basin Grate Puller Model No. SCB104 ($150.00)

Used for Catch Basin Grates that are stuck down.


Contech Filter Cap Remover Model No. HF105 ($175.00)

Used for removing Contech Stormfilter caps that can’t be removed by hand.

Contech Filter Hood Remover Model No. FC106 ($185.00)

Used for removing Contech Stormfilter hoods that are hard to get a hold of. Works great on Contech Stormwater Filter Catch Basin applications as well.

Traffic Cone Carrier Model No. TC101 ($190.00)

Can be attached to the hard surface or the rough Terrain puller for setting up traffic control.


Catch Basin & Manhole Hooks for Wheeled Pullers ($90.00)

Additional hooks available with ½”or 5/8” pins.

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